
Birthstones are a fun, popular and colourful introduction to the world of gemstones. They appeal to audiences around the world regardless of gender, age, nationality or religion. Birthstones carry secrets, attributes and lore that are unique to each gemstone.


Garnet January Birthstone

January - Garnet

Amethyst February Birthstone
February - Amethyst
Aquamarine March Birthstone
March - Aquamarine
April - Diamond
Emerald May Birthstone
May - Emerald
June - Pearl
Ruby July Birthstone
July - Ruby
Peridot August Birthstone
August - Peridot
Sapphire September Birthstone September - Sapphire
Tourmaline October Birthstone October - Tourmaline
Citrine November Birthstone
November - Citrine
Tanzanite December Birthstone
December - Tanzanite


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